Category: NDepend
General articles about NDepend.
.NET – 7 Decompiler Compared (2025)
January 10, 2025 9 minutes read Looking to reverse engineer or disassemble some .NET code? Then learning how to decompile .NET assemblies is an essential skill for any .NET developer...
Find C# Code Duplicate
October 22, 2024 3 minutes read Duplicate code copy-pasted is problematic. It increases maintenance efforts and the risk of inconsistencies. Changes made in one instance may not be reflected in...
High .NET Code Maintainability: A Case Study
February 13, 2024 8 minutes read High .NET Code Maintainability is the key to achieve both happy management and happy developers: Maintainability lets a product evolve naturally at a sustained...
Architecture of a .NET Application: 8 Case Studies
January 30, 2024 9 minutes read This recent question on Reddit’s Number of projects per solution led to interesting debates. Of course, the answer depends largely on the overall size...
SOLID Design in C#: The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
November 13, 2023 7 minutes read The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) is one of the five essential SOLID design principles. These principles are guidelines for the proper usage of object-oriented features. Named after...
SOLID Design in C#: The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
November 9, 2023 7 minutes read The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) is one of the five essential SOLID design principles. These principles are guidelines for the proper usage of object-oriented features....
SOLID Design in C#: The Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) with Examples
November 8, 2023 8 minutes read The Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) is one of the five essential SOLID design principles. These principles are guidelines for the proper usage of object-oriented...
The NDepend GitHub Action is now available!
January 25, 2023 3 minutes read NDepend is a tool for .NET developers and teams that assesses the code quality within the IDE and the CI-CD process. With 17 years...
5x Lessons Learned from Migrating a Large Legacy to .NET 5/6
October 26, 2021 9 minutes read In January 2020 I wrote the post Not planning now to migrate your .NET 4.8 legacy, is certainly a mistake. Hopefully we followed our...
Debugging a .NET App on Linux from Windows Visual Studio with WSL
September 15, 2021 6 minutes read NDepend analysis, reporting, API and Power-Tools will run on Linux and MacOS with the next version 2021.2. To achieve that, a major refactoring session...
Visualize Code with Software Architecture Diagrams
November 10, 2020 9 minutes read The source code is the design. This famous motto means that no matter how many diagrams you draw and discuss with your colleagues, the...
Strategies to Catch Regression Bugs before Production: A Case Study
October 19, 2020 6 minutes read That’s quite a coincidence that a few days after promoting the joy of immutability in the post C#9 records: immutable classes we stumbled on...
C#9 records: immutable classes
October 12, 2020 8 minutes read Record is a long time awaited feature now proposed by C# 9. With record we have a concise syntax to define immutable types this...
Top 10 .NET 5.0 new APIs
September 21, 2020 9 minutes read When a new major .NET version hits Release Candidate, it is time to use the NDepend code review changes capabilities to browse which new...
10 Visual Studio Files and Layout Productivity Tips
July 21, 2020 3 minutes read Nowadays most developers are working remotely. Hence the monitor(s) configuration might have changed, and might change frequently. In this context, it does matter to...
10 Visual Studio Solution Explorer Productivity Tips
June 17, 2020 5 minutes read The Visual Studio Solution Explorer panel is like home for Visual Studio users. It presents all projects, source files and items thanks to a...
Mythical man month : 10 lines per developer day
February 10, 2020 4 minutes read The mythical book, Mythical man month quotes that no matter the programming language chosen, a professional developer will write on average 10 lines of code...
Find API Breaking Changes in your .NET Libraries and Frameworks
September 24, 2019 3 minutes read If you are developing a framework, the last thing you want to happen when releasing a new version of your product is to break...
Answers to arguments against 100% coverage
September 10, 2019 7 minutes read I’ve been enthusiast about 100% coverage for more than a decade. The large code base of NDepend we are working on will reach soon...
Static Analysis and Dependency Injection
September 3, 2019 4 minutes read For quite some years now, we (the NDepend team) got some demand about resolving Dependency Injection, see this page on our User Voices. Lately...
Are SOLID principles Cargo Cult?
August 13, 2019 6 minutes read My last post about SOLID Design: The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) generated some discussion on reddit. The discussion originated from a remark considering SOLID...
The continuous adaptation of Visual Studio extensions
July 4, 2019 5 minutes read One could think that developing an extension for a two-decades+ product as mature as Visual Studio is headache-less. Not really. Visual Studio is a...