NDepend Blog

Improve your .NET code quality with NDepend

Managing to Avoid Cobras

September 3, 2023 2 minutes read Incentives are a funny thing.  Done well, they can spur your team to productivity and career-advancing, win-win situations.  Done not so well, they can...
Erik Dietrich September 3, 2023

A Test Coverage Primer for Managers

August 27, 2023 5 minutes read Managing Blind Let me see if I can get in your head a little bit.  You manage a team of developers and it goes...
Erik Dietrich August 27, 2023

Why Should Managers Care About Static Analysis?

July 22, 2023 5 minutes read I’d like to talk a bit today about how, if you’re a dev manager for a team or teams that are responsible for .NET...
Erik Dietrich July 22, 2023

Improve Your Code Review Game with NDepend

April 21, 2023 3 minutes read Code review is a subject with which I’m quite familiar.  I’m familiar first as a participant, both reviewing and being reviewed, but it goes...
Erik Dietrich April 21, 2023

What Makes a Codebase Acquirable?

May 15, 2018 1 minutes read What makes a codebase acquirable? This is the rare question that affects software developers, managers, and executives in a surprisingly similar way.  And that’s...
Erik Dietrich May 15, 2018

Code Coverage Should Not Be a Management Concern

July 27, 2017 2 minutes read You could easily find yourself mired in programmer debates over code coverage.  Here’s one, for instance.  It raged on for hundreds of votes, dozens...
Erik Dietrich July 27, 2017

In Defense of Using Your Users as Software Testers

June 15, 2017 3 minutes read In most shops of any size, you’ll find a person that’s just a little too cynical.  I’m a little cynical myself, and we programmers tend...
Erik Dietrich June 15, 2017

How to Use NDepend’s Trend Charts

June 8, 2017 1 minutes read Imagine a scene for a moment.  A year earlier, a corporate VP spun up a major software project for his organization.  He brought a slew...
Erik Dietrich June 8, 2017

How to Evaluate Your Static Analysis Process

April 27, 2017 1 minutes read I often get inquiries from clients and prospects about setting up and operationalizing static analysis.  This makes sense.  After all, we live in a...
Erik Dietrich April 27, 2017

Pulling Your Team Through a Project Crunch

April 20, 2017 1 minutes read Society dictates, for the most part, that childhood serves as a dress rehearsal for adulthood.  Sure, we go to school and learn to read,...
Erik Dietrich April 20, 2017

What DevOps Means for Static Analysis

April 13, 2017 1 minutes read For most of my career, software development has, in a very specific way, resembled mailing a letter.  You write the thing, and then you...
Erik Dietrich April 13, 2017

Computing Technical Debt with NDepend

February 16, 2017 2 minutes read For years, I have struggled to articulate technical debt to non-technical stakeholders.  This struggle says something, given that technical debt makes an excellent metaphor...
Erik Dietrich February 16, 2017

What Metrics Should the CIO See?

February 2, 2017 1 minutes read I’ve worked in the programming industry long enough to remember a less refined time.  During this time, the CIO (or CFO, since IT used...
Erik Dietrich February 2, 2017

Recovering from a Mission Critical Whiff

January 26, 2017 2 minutes read A career in software produces a handful of truly iconic moments.  First, you beam with pride the first time something you wrote works in...
Erik Dietrich January 26, 2017

The Relationship Between Team Size and Code Quality

January 19, 2017 1 minutes read Over the last few years, I’ve had the occasion to observe lots of software teams.  These teams come in all shapes and sizes, as...
Erik Dietrich January 19, 2017

The Best Christmas Present to Give Your Developers

January 5, 2017 2 minutes read When Christmas time arrives, it comes with the need to buy gifts, eat too much food, and attend various gatherings. All of that comes...
Erik Dietrich January 5, 2017

New Year’s Resolutions for Code Quality

December 29, 2016 2 minutes read Perhaps more than any other holiday I can think of, New Year’s Day has specific traditions.  With other holidays, they range all over the map....
Erik Dietrich December 29, 2016

How Much Code Should My Developers Be Responsible For?

December 8, 2016 1 minutes read As I work with more and more organizations, my compiled list of interesting questions grows.  Seriously – I have quite the backlog.  And I...
Erik Dietrich December 8, 2016

How to Scale Your Static Analysis Tooling

December 1, 2016 2 minutes read If you wander the halls of a large company with a large software development organization, you will find plenty of examples of practice and process...
Erik Dietrich December 1, 2016

Alternatives to Lines of Code (LOC)

November 23, 2016 3 minutes read It amazes me that in 2016, I still hear the occasional story of some software team manager measuring developer productivity by committed lines of...
Erik Dietrich November 23, 2016

Making Devs, Architects, and Managers Happy with the Static Analysis Tool

October 27, 2016 2 minutes read Organizations come to possess a static analysis tool in a variety of ways.  In some cases, management decides on some kind of quality initiative...
Erik Dietrich October 27, 2016

Static Analysis for the Build Machine?

October 20, 2016 2 minutes read I remember my earliest experiences with static analysis.  Probably a decade ago, I started to read about it during grad school and poke around...
Erik Dietrich October 20, 2016

The Relationship between Static Analysis and Continuous Testing

October 13, 2016 1 minutes read As an adult, I have learned that I have an introvert type personality.  I do alright socially, don’t mind public speaking, and do not...
Erik Dietrich October 13, 2016

How to Perform Effective Team Code Reviews

October 6, 2016 1 minutes read I’ve heard people say (paraphrased) that teams succeed uniformly, but fail each in its own unique way.  While I might argue the veracity of...
Erik Dietrich October 6, 2016

Rewrite or Refactor?

September 29, 2016 1 minutes read I’ve trod this path before in various incarnations and I’ll do it again today.  After all, I can think of few topics in software...
Erik Dietrich September 29, 2016

Secrets of Maintainable Codebases

September 28, 2016 2 minutes read You should write maintainable code.  I assume people have told you this at some point.  The admonishment is as obligatory as it is vague....
Erik Dietrich September 28, 2016

How to Get Company Coding Standards Right (and Wrong)

September 8, 2016 2 minutes read Nothing compares with the first week on a new job or team.  You experience an interesting swirl of anticipation, excitement, novelty, nervousness, and probably...
Erik Dietrich September 8, 2016

Keep Your Codebase Fit with Trend Metrics

September 1, 2016 2 minutes read A while back, I wrote a post about the importance of trends when discussing code metrics.  Metrics have an impact when teams are first...
Erik Dietrich September 1, 2016

Considering a Port to .NET Core? Use NDepend

August 25, 2016 2 minutes read An American colloquialism holds, “only two things are certain: death and taxes.”  If I had to appropriate that for the software industry, I might say that...
Erik Dietrich August 25, 2016

Measure Your Code to Get Back on Track

August 11, 2016 1 minutes read When I’m called in for strategy advice on a codebase, I never arrive to find a situation where all parties want to tell me...
Erik Dietrich August 11, 2016