Month: August 2016
Considering a Port to .NET Core? Use NDepend
August 25, 2016 2 minutes read An American colloquialism holds, “only two things are certain: death and taxes.” If I had to appropriate that for the software industry, I might say that...
Plugging Leaky Abstractions
August 18, 2016 2 minutes read In 2002, Joel Spolsky coined something he called “The Law of Leaky Abstractions.” In software, an “abstraction” hides complexity of an underlying system from those...
Measure Your Code to Get Back on Track
August 11, 2016 1 minutes read When I’m called in for strategy advice on a codebase, I never arrive to find a situation where all parties want to tell me...
Managing Code Analysis Statistics with the NDepend API
August 4, 2016 3 minutes read If you’re familiar with NDepend, you’re probably familiar with the Visual Studio plugin, the out of the box metrics, the excellent visualization tools, and...